
Kokua Market celebrates 50th anniversary

Saturday, Oct. 23 brings the start of a three week-long celebration of Hawaii’s oldest natural foods cooperative.

Billed as a celebration of Kokua Market’s 50 years-long legacy of thought and practice leadership in sustainable food systems, there will be prepared food, bakery, produce and gift product specials as well as discounts.

Kokua Market is a quirky mash-up of farmers market, bake sale, pot-luck in a community-owned Moiliili mom-and-pop-esque grocery. It supports small farms and producers by connecting them to retail shoppers in a way other larger grocery chains cannot. Since 1971 Kokua Market has taught people how to eat healthier and more sustainably.

In-store specials and gifts with purchase will be available daily between October 23 and November 6.

Special partners and events will be featured from 10-2pm on the three Saturdays, October 23rd, 30th and November 6th. Makana Provisions will be grilling local meats grilling from 11-2pm each Saturday.

On Sundays, October 24th, 31st and November 7th, Kokua’s deli will feature pop-up Korean guest chef Helen Jung and her traditional Korean fare.

Special themes include “Sustainable Saturday” on October 23rd with tutorials and vermicast for sale by Mindy Jaffe’s Zero Waste School Hui, a potted plant sale, local I’a and gluten-free treats from Puuwai Aloha Bakery.

On October 30th there will be prizes for a noon costume contest, Wolf’s Cutting Edge knife sharpening service, beautiful items from longtime Moilili neighbor Tutuvi and Kokua tote bags for your sustainable trick-or-treater. Courtyard musical artists include acoustic guitarist Dallan Santos and John Kema.

The final Saturday, November 6th,  will bring “50 years of Local,” featuring a special fundraiser dinner by Makana Provisions and a spotlight on Kokua’s “Good Egg Partners” – just a few of the many farms and producers that were incubated and got their retail start at Kokua – Mohala Farms, Aina Bars, and Mrs. Cheng’s Tofu. Courtyard musical artists include acoustic guitarist Dallan Santos and John Kema.

Kokua Market is located at 2643 South King Street and is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays.. There is parking behind the store off Kahuna Lane.